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Hello! My game, Antony & Cleopatra: Case IV: The Murder of Marlon Brando is a networked multiplayer game for two players, and as such can only be played when hosted on a trusted server. You can access it at

Thank you for you interest!

If you have downloaded this game onto your computer, you cannot play it from the HTML file. It will not be able to connect to the server. This is due to the security measures taken by modern browsers. I apologize for the inconvenience.

If you're interested in seeing how this is implemented, making your own multiplayer Twine games, or hosting your own server, you can find the source code for the game at (private at the time of writing due to IFComp no-release rules - if I forget to unprivate it because I haven't slept in too long and you want to see it send me an email or something) and the server at

Please contact me at if you have any issues accessing the game, questions, comments, bug reports, or anything at all, really.